I am going to aim at $1,000 to be the decrease in our household take-home pay for 2013. So the need to save a little more gets notched up.
Yesterday my transactions were simple but significant.
I bought five items that qualifed for $5 back in their mega savings event, which is going on this week as well. I had coupons for four items of Kellogg and Kashi cereal, and Kellogg crackers. THIS SAVINGS EVENT IS GOING ON THIS WEEK, TOO.
from the Kroger ad:
P&G, Pepsi & Kellogg’s items
When You Buy 5 participating
P&G, Pepsi & Kellogg’s items with card. Mix & match any 5
participating items in a single transaction and SAVE $5 instantly at
checkout with card. Limit 5 rewards per transaction.
Look for this tag on participating items.
If you have not signed up for this program and eat a lot of cereal and crackers, you are missing out!
I bought six Lean Cuisines at six for $12. I had coupons resulting in $2 total off this $12, which got me a FREE carton of the Skinny Cow version of Brown Cows. Also, I will clip the codes out of the Lean Cuisines. Each one is worth 20 points (although a new line of meals is worth 40 points each). I will save for a free Lean Cuisine, which is 500 points.
I bought a couple of apples -- Ambrosia apples -- that were in a display right in the front of the produce section. They were $1/pound, a good price--others are at least 30 percent more. We do not go through apples fast enough to buy them by the bag.
I used a coupon for a FREE dozen eggs that was included in a mailing that Kroger sent to me. I believe these coupons are tailored to what I buy.
The Kroger receipt states that I had 64 percent in savings. Not bad, and true to my New Year resolution, all that I bought will be consumed within a month or so.
Here is the comparison I made for Cokes this week (please remember that many stores such as Publix are not near me.):
Walgreens -- three for $10
Kroger -- buy two, get third free for $11
CVS -- three for $10, but it can be part of a $30 purchase to get $10 worth of extra care bucks, so I am going to buy my Cokes at CVS this week.

Please note-- a couple of weeks ago I tried to apply a coupon for a free 12 pack of Cokes at Kroger in the buy two, get the third free. (I get free Cokes from the Coke reward points on every Coke product.) The free pack had to be processed at the full value of what Kroger was charging, $5.50. The Coke coupon was only good for $4.99. I had to pay the difference between the two, $.51. ugh. I learn so much from my mistakes.
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